Is sharing content in a server the same as working in the cloud?
Is sharing content in a server the same as working in the cloud?
Currently, when it comes to sharing capabilities, there are a few options we can offer:
- Trados GroupShare. Companies looking to use this option must have their own server, as this solution will be installed on it. This version is customizable, as you can choose to add Project Servers (and users), MultiTerm Server (with Editor and Viewer users) and TM Servers (with users). Online Editor can also be added, and there are 2 options to choose from: Advanced module and Basic module. Users are not included, so they will have to be added;
- Trados Live Team is an alternative to GroupShare, but this solution is hosted by the Language Cloud/Weaver servers. You can share TMs, termbases, projects, and can even use Online Editor, just like with Trados GroupShare.
Please be aware that Trados Live Essential (which is a service offered for free with a permanent license or subscription for Trados Studio 2021) doesn't come with sharing capabilities. You can use the Online Editor feature, but sharing files (projects, TMs, termbases) is not possible. Although more and more features are being implemented, this version has fewer capabilities than the desktop version (Trados Studio), this is why it's recommended to be used in conjunction with it.
Cloud services are hosted by a server, so to work in the cloud you need to have access to a server, whether you choose to share your content on your own server (Trados GroupShare), or you choose to use the solution offered by RWS. With Trados Live Team, your projects are safe and secure on the Language Cloud/Weaver servers.