We use order numbers in this format in our spare parts lists: xxxx xxx. How can we use Trados to automatically transfer these to the target language without saving them in the TM.
We use order numbers in this format in our spare parts lists: xxxx xxx. How can we use Trados to automatically transfer these to the target language without saving them in the TM.
Provided you can define a regex rule, you can convert them to tags for some file types (such as more recent MS Office) - I describe the technique in my QA Regex session.
Provided you can define a regex rule, you can convert them to tags for some file types (such as more recent MS Office) - I describe the technique in my QA Regex session.
Yes thank you Anthony Rudd
Below I described DataProtection App (https://appstore.sdl.com/language/app/trados-data-protection-suite/936/) that allows you to take Regex and convert numbers to tags AFTER you have your project. There are other means to achieve tagging of numbers BEFORE you create your project depending what your source file is.
Once you have your numbers tagged, you can use quickplace (ctrl+,)
Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group
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