Aktualisierung von Projektdateien - Benennungskonventionen

Wenn ich eine Datei in einem Projekt aktualisiere wegen Änderungen, wird nicht der aktuelle neue Dateiname gespeichert, sondern immer der Alte. Bei vielen Versionen des Dokuments kommt man dann leicht durcheinander und sieht nicht welche Dateiversion man eigentlich importiert hat.

  • Yes, when you right click and chose to update source file the original file name stays pretty much the same.

    What Studio does do is include the (1) which increases to show the latest updated versions

    Screenshot showing a file directory with files named min(1).docx, min.docx, and min.docx(1).sdlxliff, with red arrows pointing at min(1).docx and min.docx(1).sdlxliff.

    So although I am needing to translate min.docx(1) in Studio users still see the original name

    Screenshot of Trados Studio interface displaying a translation results pane with the file min.docx.sdlxliff and a segment of text 'Test: La performance-mens'.

    But I agree that in the containing folders it should still at least keep the current file names for reference which in my case was actually 2 min.docx and not min.docx(1)
    Or anther means to have a local file version history audit to help ensure you can keep track of source file updates.

    Please do log it as an idea community.sdl.com/.../

    Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group

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    [edited by: Trados AI at 3:42 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
  • Yes, when you right click and chose to update source file the original file name stays pretty much the same.

    What Studio does do is include the (1) which increases to show the latest updated versions

    Screenshot showing a file directory with files named min(1).docx, min.docx, and min.docx(1).sdlxliff, with red arrows pointing at min(1).docx and min.docx(1).sdlxliff.

    So although I am needing to translate min.docx(1) in Studio users still see the original name

    Screenshot of Trados Studio interface displaying a translation results pane with the file min.docx.sdlxliff and a segment of text 'Test: La performance-mens'.

    But I agree that in the containing folders it should still at least keep the current file names for reference which in my case was actually 2 min.docx and not min.docx(1)
    Or anther means to have a local file version history audit to help ensure you can keep track of source file updates.

    Please do log it as an idea community.sdl.com/.../

    Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group

    Design your own training!

    You've done the courses and still need to go a little further, or still not clear? 
    Tell us what you need in our Community Solutions Hub


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 3:42 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
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