Problem of desactivating a license after having bought un update from Freelance Plus 2019 to Professional 2021


Yesterday I tried to desactivate a license Freelance Plus 2019 on one of my computer for transferring it on another PC. However, it was impossible to desactivate the license both online and offline.

I search in my SDL Account where my license was. I remember having bought the SDL Trados Studio Professional 2021 License based on an Update from Freelance Plus 2019.

My question is: is it possible to desactivate a license that have been "updated" to use it again on another device ? Or Should I buy another License? And subsequent to this question, why this license Freelance 2019 Plus is still active ? If I desactivate the License, both codes that are used on my devices would be desactivated?

I don't know if I'm clear in my explanation.

Hope you can help me.

Best regards,

François Bernard

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