Issues with floating licence

I have a floating license (for use on a Network) of SDL Trados Studio 2014. 5 users are supposed to be able to work simultaneously, but often, max 3 users are able to work at the same time. When more users try to open the software, they receive a message saying no seats are available, and SDL Licensing Toolkit shows 5 active users. How can we solve this issue?

  • Johanna

    This can happen when seats remain blocked, for example after a crash of Studio. The license server believes that all 5 seats are in use, although this is not the case.
    The only way to solve this when it happens is to reset the count by stopping and restarting the License Server. This must be done on the Server where the Licensing Server Toolkit is running and involves stopping + restarting the two "Nalpeiron .... " services. This will reset the license count so that you have again all 5 licenses available. But it also means that you should ask the logged in Studio users to log out because otherwise they will be disconnected (they will need to relaunch Studio after the license server restarted)

    Should this situation occur frequently, you can switch your licensing system from Nalpeiron to the new system SafeNet (the one used with Studio 2015) as it works also for Studio 2014 clients. If you want to do this, you need to open a ticket with SDL support in order to get your current Nalpeiron license converted into a SafeNet license. The new system is more flexible than the old one in many respects and also releases faster seats that are no more connected. You would need to install the new system anyway on the day you move to 2015.

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