About Trados capacity

Dear SDL trados team,
Thank you for reading my email. I saw a pop-up window says "The Trados capacity already used 95%, please expand the capacity", could you please inform me what I need do to handle this situation? Thank you very much for your precious help.
  • Hi Ying,

    Where did you see that pop-up window? Can you share a screenshot and explain with more details as to what you were doing when you got that error?

    Trados saves locally all the files - not in the software, so perhaps the HDD/SSD you are using has reached its 95% capacity. Can you please also check if your computer drive where Trados is saving files has enough space left?

    Best regards,


    Anca Stoian RWS Group

  • Hi Anca,

    Thank you for your prompt reply. Could you please help to inform me how to check the path where trados saving files? Thank you. 


    Trados Studio stores all files there, where the user wants them to be. Only few settings files are stored in defined paths, but no working files.

    Your TMs, TBs and working files can be stored on any local (or network attached) HDD. In case you translate files using the single file approach, all files (not TM/TB) are stored in the same location as the source file. The path for TM/TB is set when creating this resources. In case of project approach you are prompted to select the proper path when creating the project.

    Dealing with files and folders is a crucial knowledge necessary (with no excuse) to properly use software like Trados Studio (but not limited too, as many other software solutions require the user to manage files and folders). So please learn how to manage files and folders and create a decent folder structure for your needs. Without this you'll have chaos on your computer. And chaos means a lot of trouble.


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

    Want to learn more about Trados Studio? Visit the Community Hub. Have a good idea to make Trados Studio better? Publish it here.


    Trados Studio stores all files there, where the user wants them to be. Only few settings files are stored in defined paths, but no working files.

    Your TMs, TBs and working files can be stored on any local (or network attached) HDD. In case you translate files using the single file approach, all files (not TM/TB) are stored in the same location as the source file. The path for TM/TB is set when creating this resources. In case of project approach you are prompted to select the proper path when creating the project.

    Dealing with files and folders is a crucial knowledge necessary (with no excuse) to properly use software like Trados Studio (but not limited too, as many other software solutions require the user to manage files and folders). So please learn how to manage files and folders and create a decent folder structure for your needs. Without this you'll have chaos on your computer. And chaos means a lot of trouble.


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

    Want to learn more about Trados Studio? Visit the Community Hub. Have a good idea to make Trados Studio better? Publish it here.

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