A few days ago I needed to use SDL Trados Studio 2017, once every few months I use this tool to implement a project for a specific client.
This time I received a message about license expiration.
I can't provide the full version number of the product, since I can't get anywhere behind the activation screen.
Yet I can say the installer name is SDLTradosStudio2017_SR1_54792.
Since I was pressed for time, I assigned my second free license.
Unfortunately, today, after turning on Trados, the license expiration message appeared again.
I tried to reset the licenses but received a message the option to reset my license is no longer available.
I cannot deactivate the license offline either, as there is no such option in the program now.
In my RWS account > LICENCES&SUBSCRIPTIONS tab the Expiry Date is set to "No expiry date", so are my licenses valid for life?
When I tried to submit a bug report I got the message "You do not have a current Support and Maintenance Agreement".
Please help me, I need to finish the project...
Best regards