We have self-hosted agents in our build process in azure devops and want to install the Passolo 2022 using command line and activate the network license, once build is completed deactivate the license from command line.
I tried some manual steps
Launch the CMD and run the below command to install the passolo 2022
Passolo2022.exe /q /norestart
To activate the license I create the new key under registry Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Trados\Passolo 2022 with the name License
Create three strings with the below Name and Data under Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Trados\Passolo 2022\License
Value Name Value Data
CheckedOutEdition ProfessionalEditionPas
ServerName abc.xyz.com
UseLicenseServer True
If UseLicenseServer value is True then Server License is checkout after completion of build set it to False
I'm looking for some better options to acheive this task.
Here is the similar Problem
(+) Silent possibility to set and reset a single license for Passolo 2022 - 2. Licensing and Installation - Trados Portfolio - RWS Community