Please reset my SDL Studio License

Dear Support team,

For an OS severe issue, I couldn't deactivate the license on my version of Studio 2015 before I reformat the HDD and reinstall Studio.
May you please reset my Studio plus license. I tried to deactivate offline yet I had no certificate for that.
May a  support member on the list, make this license reset for me?? as I have a running job and this delays me a lot.

Thank you  in advance!

Halim Ali

  • Hi Halim,

    I have reset your license so you now have one available to you. Please note that normally for licensing or installation issues that prevent you from working we have a route for all customers to get help. This can be achieved really quickly using this link and is more efficient than asking in here because not everyone reading these posts has the ability to do this:

    Just fill in the form and submit it. If you can, use the Chrome browser to log the case, you'll get more success in completing the form, and make sure your email address is entered correctly or nobody will be able to get back in touch with you.



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Halim,

    I have reset your license so you now have one available to you. Please note that normally for licensing or installation issues that prevent you from working we have a route for all customers to get help. This can be achieved really quickly using this link and is more efficient than asking in here because not everyone reading these posts has the ability to do this:

    Just fill in the form and submit it. If you can, use the Chrome browser to log the case, you'll get more success in completing the form, and make sure your email address is entered correctly or nobody will be able to get back in touch with you.



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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