MT Enhanced Plugin for Trados Studio - plugin error

Hi there, 

I am a student and a kind of newbe to this forum.

I have encountered some difficulties with the MT Enhanced Plugin for Trados Studio as it appears there is some technical issue with this particular plugin or the entire RWS Store. [?]

I have tried to download different versions of this plug-in but the same error message constantly pops up:



    "code":"500","message":"Could not find a part of the path 'C:\\Inetpub\\OOS\\_Apps\\xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx\\Sdl.Community.MtEnhancedProvider.sdlplugin'."



Thereafter, I've managed to get this plugin downloaded and integrated from my Uni's portal, but this time around another error message appeared in two windows on my computer screen, saying: 

“Set property ‘System.Windows.Resource.Dictionary.Source’ threw an exception. ‘Line number ‘19’ and line position ‘6’

...then the Trados app just shut down itself, leaving only these two error messages on my Windows screen.

Unfortunately, I can’t activate the MT Enhanced plugin in my Trados Studio for the last few weeks and thus, I am unable to use Microsoft or Google Machine Translation. 

Any ideas or is there any solution to get this plugin up 'n running?! 

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