Subtitling app (StudioSubtitling.sdlplugin) does not install

No matter where I got the app (StudioSubtitling.sdlplugin) from (email, download), it does not install. This means: Nothing happens, except that that rotating circle appears, indicating that some processing is taking place. So, after about two seconds, the rotating circle disappears again, and, as I said, exactly nothing happens.

I tried:

- doubleclicking on the file saved on my drive

- rightclicking on the file saved on my drive and clciking the first line of the dropdown menu (in bold: [CommunityInstallerDir]Sdl.Community.SdlPlugininstaller.exe)

- opening the "Add-ins" tag in my Trados Studio 2019 SR2 ...

NB: The file has the SDL icon, not the DWS icon - don't know if this is important.

NB: It's the file from 2019, not 2021 (which I have also tried, same problem).

NB (don't know if it's important): Until Monday, I was using Trados Studio 2015, although I had already, early in 2019, purchased the Update 2019. On Monday, a friednly lady assisted me via chat to download, install, license, and activate the 2019 Update.

Thanks for help, I need the app urgently.


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