SDL Analyse Service App

I received an e-mail to tell me about this new app. I downloaded it. On installation, as described on the SLK OpenExchange page, I have to register the Windows service by entering my Windows logon Username and password. Problem. I only have a single account on my PC, mine, and it has no password. But when I leave the Password box empty, Windows says the password is wrong. What now?

Thanks, Simon

  • Hi Simon,

    What version of windows are you using? Also perhaps you can go to your Control Panel -> User Accounts and then Manage User Account (or something...) and set the password. I think this would allow you to install the app and then afterwards remove the password... but I'm not sure. So will be an interesting test.



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Paul. Win 7 Prof. Installing the service correctly identified PC name and username. I went to Control Panel-User Accounts and created a password for my account - sdltemp - then uninstalled the app and reinstalled it. Entering the password successfully completed the installation. Now I can remove the temp password. Thanks.
    I suggest asking the SDL developer to insert a couple of lines of code to handle instances where there is no Windows logon password, as it is not uncommon for we-freelancers just to have a single 'open' account on our PC.

  • Hi Simon,

    Unknown said:
    I suggest asking the SDL developer to insert a couple of lines of code to handle instances where there is no Windows logon password, as it is not uncommon for we-freelancers just to have a single 'open' account on our PC.

    This is not something that is possible.  The reason is because we have added a lot more functionality behind the scenes than you realise.  For example, imagine if you could receive an email that contained files, or a zip of files, and be able to click in Outlook or Thunderbird a button that said "Reply with Analysis".  Then have the analysis carried out and added into your reply email without you having to do anything.  This would be very cool... and also very possible because we have created a windows service and a REST API around it so any developer could do this.

    In order for a windows service to function like this it has to know who the user is because there is no application running to tell it who you are.  The only way this can happen is via the windows login.

    I hope this explains it, but if not we'll do a better job later on.



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Understood, but I only meant that the code should check for a match between the password entered and the password stored in Windows, which already happens, so that if Windows knows there is no password, it should expect no input into this box. Maybe possible, or not for the reasons you have already given. Clearly, zero input when a stored password exists must be disallowed. Simon
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