Hi! I am not sure if this question should go to Studio or OpenExchange category. Please forgive me if this is not the right place for this question.
Anyway, I have been unable to update my sdlxliff files from the edited bilingual Word file created in SDL Xliff Converter for MS Office app. The error message I received for each failed attempt is different, with the latest claiming adding new content outside a segment is not supported.
I checked the edited Word file but couldn't see anything that was added outside a segment. The editor uses the same Word 2010 version as I do. What could be the reason for this failure?
For temporary workaround, I copied and pasted the edited content to my original bilingual file sent to the editor, and that did solve the unable to import/update issue. However, with this workaround, I can't see the edits in track changes when opening the file in Studio.
Thank you so much for any suggestions you have.