How to solve the "Failed to initialize view 'SDLTMAnonymizerView' " error? Urgent help needed!!

Hello everyone!

On Friday 30, June, among some other apps, I downloaded the TMAnonymizer from the App Store, installed it, and closed and restarted Trados and the system gave me this error:

I've been searching around in the RWS web and in some other forums. Sadly I wasn't able to find any suitable solution. I already posted this problem in the "Greneral Purpoose" forum and unfortunately had no answer -sorry if that was not the correct one to post this matter-. This issue arouse some 3 days ago, and still not able to open Trados Studio, and not able to work at all.

Again, my Trados Studio version is 2022. 

I would be very pleased if anyone could help me as I am getting pretty desperate.

Thank you very much again,

David Díaz
