utilisation glossary converter 6.4.8825.16171

Bonjour, j'ai mis a jour glossary converter et depuis je n'arrive plus a transformer ma base terminologique en fichier.xlsx

Lors que j'ouvre le fichier .xlsx j'ai le message suivant 

Microsoft Excel error message saying 'Sorry... We found a problem with the content in Base 03-03-2023.xlsx, but we can try to recover as much content as possible. If the source of this workbook is reliable, click Yes.' with Yes and No buttons.

et quand je clique sur oui

 Excel repair message for 'Base 03-03-2023.xlsx' stating 'Excel was able to open the file by removing or repairing the unreadable content. Deleted records: Cell information in part xlworksheetssheet1.xml' with a link to the repair log and a Close button.

j'ai ensuite des cases vides alors que dans ma base ils sont remplis

 Trados Studio glossary management window showing a list of terms with their corresponding IDs and translations in different languages, with highlighted term '003132 Absence BO intermediate axis X' in French.

et mon fichier excel commence à la colonne C

Excel spreadsheet with columns labeled in various languages starting from column C, showing term '003132 Absence BO intermediate axis X' in the French column with other cells empty.

fixed alignment so it's readable
[edited by: Paul at 9:45 PM (GMT 0) on 30 Mar 2024]
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