DeepL integration

  Hello, I am contacting you to get support on how to integrate DeepL into my version of Trados 2017. I got my authentication key for DeepL Pro Advanced and it works fine with my French-English language pair and offers me pre-translation automatically. However, with my English-Czech it says it's not possible. I can attach a print screen of what it looks like. The system suggests using "Any TM". When I select "Any TM: Any other translation provider", the error message goes aways but it doesn't allow me working on the project using DeepL pre-translation/MT. doesn't provide the pre-translation or any other task. It says n/a in the language settings for DeepL. When I tried the Czech-French pair, it doesn't work either, so it seems the issue is with the Czech language. People from the company say they can't affect plug-ins for Trados, so I should contact the Trados community instead. Could you please help me? Kind regards, Michaela


    So you already have the plugin installed?  The problem is just that you cannot add DeepL to work with English-Czech or Czech-French?

    In this case the problem is going to be one of these I think:

    1. you have not got this language pair available as a language pair in your project, or
    2. Czech was not an available language when the 2017 version of the plugin was created.

    The 2017 version will be using an older API for DeepL and not only will it not be updated by us, but it may not even support what you need.  Having said this I am totally guessing as this is pretty old and I don't really know what the state of play was then.  Today we only support the latest plugin.

    Maybe share a screenshot of your project settings where you trying to add DeepL so we can rule out 1.  Then, if that's all ok I can only suggest you try a reset and hope for the best.  Since 2017 we have had 2019, 2021, 2022 and shortly we'll have 2024.  So really a bit too old to keep supporting it I'm afraid.

    To reset, just close Trados Studio and then rename this folder:

    c:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\\

    to c:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\\

    If you can't find this folder then you need to unhide your hidden files/folders:

    Then restart Trados Studio and see if that helped.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Paul,

    Thanks, I am attaching a screenshot. Have you encountered this message before? I have the project set up for Czech-English as for most of my projects. With French-English the MT works perfectly fine. The 2017 version hasn't limited my work at all until now so that's why I haven't considered upgrading. So, I guess I won't be able to integrate it with Czech unless I purchase one of the newer versions of Trados?


    Screenshot of Trados Studio with an error message from DeepL Translator stating it does not support any language pair in this project or project template and suggests using AnyTM to add translation memory.


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    [edited by: Trados AI at 6:09 AM (GMT 1) on 23 Apr 2024]

    Can you provide another screenshot please.  This time widen the navigation menu on the left first, and also click away the message, and maximise that settings window so we can see what you have in your settings.  It's clearly a longer list and all the information that might provide a clue is missing.  Also show a screenshot of the same TM list that is in the specific language pair settings here:

    Trados Studio screenshot showing an expanded navigation menu with a focus on the English (United Kingdom) language setting.

    I guess I won't be able to integrate it with Czech unless I purchase one of the newer versions of Trados?

    Whilst I'd love to see you on the latest version I would not upgrade just for this until we get to the bottom of it.  I have seen this message before and it's not always related to a lack of language support.

    If you want to, download the trial and test it.  I'm sure it would work, but that won't be proof it's the appropriate solution just to solve this issue.  It's good to upgrade for many other reasons, just not this one alone.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 6:23 AM (GMT 1) on 23 Apr 2024]
  • OK here we go:

    Trados Studio Project Template Settings window showing Translation Memory and Automated Translation section for English to Czech language pair with multiple translation memory files listed.

    Trados Studio interface with a file open for translation from Czech to English, displaying Translation Memory and Document Settings panel with several translation memory files and a DeepL Translation provider.


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    [edited by: Trados AI at 7:02 AM (GMT 1) on 23 Apr 2024]

    ok - maybe getting somewhere.  In your project template you have these languages:

    en(UK) -> cs(CZ)

    cs(CZ) -> en(UK)

    en(US) -> en(UK)

    fr(FR) - cs(CZ)


    A Project template should contain one source language and as many target languages as you like.  I'm pretty sure this is the source of your problem as you are probably creating projects with multiple language combinations and then probably not opening what you think you are.

    I recommend you clean up your templates and use one template for each language pair (or multiple target languages) you work with.  That way you can pre-configure the templates with the correct resources (TMs, MT engines etc) and you should not have a problem.

    Try it with just one new project by removing all the unwanted language pairs when you create it... see if that works.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Trados Studio New Project window showing Translation Memory and Automated Translation settings with a list of language pairs and translation providers. No visible errors or warnings.

    Trados Studio Project 1 window with Translation Memory and Automated Translation settings, displaying language pairs and translation providers. No visible errors or warnings.

    OK I have created a brand new template and tried with both language versions (EN-CS and CS-EN) but it still reports the same error message. :-(


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 7:28 AM (GMT 1) on 23 Apr 2024]

    That can't be brand new as you still have TMs in there that are not relevant at all.

    Let's do a simple test.  Use the single document workflow to create a single file project and the add DeepL to it.  Does that work?

    If not I suggest you close Studio, delete your templates from here:

    \%USERNAME%\Studio 2017\Project Templates

    Then restart Studio and try again with a normal Studio project.  Select only the single language pair you intend to use, add your TMs, TBs, and DeepL, then when you get to the end of the wizard select the checkbox to save the settings as a project template.  This will give you the opportunity to save the template specifically for this language pair.  If it works then repeat the process for your other language pairs and then you will be able to create your projects using the correct template, and correct resources, just for the intended languages on a consistent basis.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • OK, I have deleted all the project templates, restarted PC and Trados, opened a new projects and still nothing has changed. I'm sorry I seem to be entirely useless with new technology. I will probably just downgrade DeepL until I am ready to purchase the newer Trados licence. 


    I'm sure you're not!  If I find time I'll see if I can reinstall 2017 (I used to have 2015 onwards on my old laptop... only have 2022 on this one) and test this out myself.  At least we might be able to draw a conclusion from this.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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