projectTermExtract plugin, can it be configured/are there settings that can be changed?


We have projectTermExtract installed and use it for term harvesting.

We also use our own Trados termbase template with defined drop-down fields (e.g., gender, singular/plural, specialist area, source, description/use, etc.) for managing our terminology. Translators are required to save a copy of this template in their projects for harvesting new terms, which are later approved by team leads or document authors before these terms are exported/imported into our main termbase.

The local termbase generated by projectTermExtract does not seem to have any additional information fields/term decoration fields. As we want to harvest terminology from our projects, we want our translators to add as much information at a project level before we import any project terminology into our main termbase.

We need an efficient way to add this information without exporting or importing the projectTermExtract termbase into our main termbase template and the translator subsequently having to add term information/decoration - this is not efficient and there is a risk that the translators will not want to add any term decoration/information because it requires additional, manual steps.

My question: Can the projectTermExtract plugin be customized or adjusted to reflect the term information fields in our main termbase template? Many plugins have configurable settings or API extensions that could allow users to modify how terms are captured and which fields are included.

Or is there a way for projectTermExtract to create a project termbase directly in our template, provided that an empty version of our termbase is saved (as a template/copy) in the corresponding Trados project folder (termbase added as a resource in the Trados settings)?

Thanks in advance for your ideas!

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