Error when creating WorldServer return packages: "This operation has already had OperationCompleted called on it and further calls are illegal."

Hello everone,

For some time now I've been getting the error "This operation has already had OperationCompleted called on it and further calls are illegal" when attempting to create a WorldServer return package.

I use Trados Studio 2022 SR2 - and have installed the latest version of the WorldServer Components available for my Trados version.

Basically, sometimes I can create packages just fine.

Trados Studio screenshot showing the 'Create Return Package' dialog with a successful message: 'Creating return package... Completed (0 errors, 0 warnings)' and 'Uploading return package... Upload skipped. User selected file based export.'

Other times, I first get the error below.

Trados Studio error message during return package creation: 'Error occurred in file... SDL XLIFF validation error at line 486 offset 61791: The 'mtype' attribute is invalid - The value 'x' is invalid according to its datatype 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2:AttrType_mtype'. - The value 'x' is not valid according to any of the memberTypes of the union.'

Then, if I try again without the problem file, I get the error below.

Trados Studio error message during return package creation: 'Creating return package... This operation has already had OperationCompleted called on it and further calls are illegal. (0 errors, 0 warnings)'

If I restart Trados and try creating a package without the file causing the first error, I usually can do it.

Has anyone ever had a similar problem?

Thanks in advance!

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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 9:55 AM (GMT 1) on 25 Oct 2024]