Web Lookup config import


We have created WebLookup config (WebLookupMethod.txt) file and exported it. Is it possible to import it silently? does it creates/updates any file some where? maybe i can just copy and paste that exported file somewhere in user profile?

Also is it possible to change default keyboard shortcut ALT+F8? I mean in registry or any config file? we need to change it for all our users but i dont want to connect to each pc and change it throuth the interface.

  • Hi Martynas,

    Had this "guarded" suggestion from the developer.

    Place the file WebLookupMethods.txt in this folder:


    Web Lookup will pick up the settings from that file next time Studio is started. And please note that the name of the file must be exactly "WebLookupMethods.txt".

    So assuming you have some way of copying files to that location on the users' PCs you could do it that way.

    NOTE: This file is where any user changes to the settings are stored. Overwriting that file will thus overwrite whatever settings a user may have done. As a hint the folder WebLookup and the file WebLookupMethods.txt is only created when the user changes the settings. So if the file is there you may not want to overwrite it.

    As for the keyboard shortcut it may be possible to add it in C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\\UserSettings.xml, like this:

       <Setting Id="WebLookupSearchAction">

         <Value>F12, Shift, Control</Value>


    But all this is followed by a warning that it is no advisable to meddle with the settings file. It's imaginable that all kind of things could be broken that way.

    But perhaps this will help you in your endeavours?


    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hello Paul,

    Thank you for your fast reply. I think this is what i needed. Thanks again.