Suggestion: zip files from the Files view in Studio

It would be very convenient to be able to select and zip files from within Studio, i.e. the Files view. That view contains a lot more information than your average file explorer, so you could zip files based on translator name for example. The zip would end up in the target language folder or source language folder, depending on where you are in Studio. Maybe a batch task?

Daniel Fransson | SDL Sweden

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  • No, I haven't. I might install and see what it can do, thanks for the tip.

    But, actually, your question about whether it was to avoid having to send out packages sparked the idea that of course packages can be used for this purpose. The downside is that there is a lot of other stuff than just the SDLXLIFF's in an SDLPPX, so there will be an extra step cleaning the ZIP/SDLPPX up. And you'll have to go through the package guide. And you can't do it on the source language side. But despite those facts, making a package would be a lot more convenient than picking files one by one in Windows Explorer.

    The sales pitch for a ZIP function would be something like this ;)
    Utilise the unique metadata contained within the Studio project framework in order to conveniently batch files together, based on those metadata, for further enhancements in external tools, and for streamlined management of staggered deliveries.

    Daniel Fransson | SDL Sweden