Issue with WorldServer encountering auto-inserted xm-replace_text

We're having issues in WorldServer when it encounters the XMetaL inserted "<?xm-replace_text [text]?>" text. As far as I can tell it happens upon topic check-out using XMetaL and is not present until checked out using SDL menu in XMetaL.

Is it possible to insert a script such as this, that removes the "<?xm-replace_text [text]?>" text upon checking in?

//XMetaL Script Language JScript:

var nodes = ActiveDocument.getNodesByXPath("//processing-instruction('xm-replace_text')");
while (nodes.length > 0) {
myparent = nodes.item(0).parentNode;

Or, have a function upon check in that sets the parent xref element to translate=no (and a corresponding function to remove it if is not present).

Parents Reply Children