Excluding conref topics from Webhelp Search results

In our WebHelp output that we generate via the Publication manager, if our publication references conref topics,  when we search the WebHelp, we get search result hits for the conref topic (as well as the topic referencing the conref content).  We'd like to exclude the conref topics from the Search results list.  Our workaround has been to add the conref topics to the ditamap and set processing-role="resource-only" in the map for the conref topicref.  However, we'd rather not have to add all of the conref topics to our maps.  I am wondering if others have run into this issue with their HTML output types, and if they have figured out a solution to exclude these topics from webhelp search results. 

  • Hi Rhonda. We are working with another customer who wants the same behavior and even though Sam's answer ended up under another question, he has experimented with using a map file adding the resources there and marking them as resourceonly. It will work. We haven't found any easy way to exclude the conref topics without using the resource folder or the map file and using the processing role of resourceonly. If we find anything, I'll be sure to share it out. Perhaps someone else can offer up something they have tried and gotten to work as well. It's a common ask. Thanks - Pam

    Pam Noreault | Knowledge Center Solutions Architect

  • Hi Rhonda. We are working with another customer who wants the same behavior and even though Sam's answer ended up under another question, he has experimented with using a map file adding the resources there and marking them as resourceonly. It will work. We haven't found any easy way to exclude the conref topics without using the resource folder or the map file and using the processing role of resourceonly. If we find anything, I'll be sure to share it out. Perhaps someone else can offer up something they have tried and gotten to work as well. It's a common ask. Thanks - Pam

    Pam Noreault | Knowledge Center Solutions Architect
