Displaying latest variable values in Oxygen topics


Is there a way to "refresh" topics in Oxygen to show the latest variable values? Here is the scenario:

1) In Oxygen, writers insert a variable into their topic from a variable library topic.  For example: varid is product-name and the value is set to "Acme Product"

2) Later, the the variable library topic is updated and the value for the product-name varid is changed to "Foo Product"

3) Writers in Oxygen still see the "Acme Product" when editing their topic and so writers think it's not correct and are re-inserting the variable which is not necessary and is causing confusion.

How do we get the variable values in Oxygen to refresh when variable values are updated? 


  • When the variable is inserted, the content of that variable is copied inside the topic. Once inserted, the content cannot be refreshed, unless by re-inserting the variable.

    You can see the latest variable content when working in context. Meaning, when you start from a publication in Publication Manager and the library containing the variable is attached as a resource in the publication.
    Then the variable content is resolved and rendered in the view, showing the latest variable content from the library.
    But the variable content in the topic itself is not updated/replaced, the content at time of insertion still remains in the topic itself.

    When working in context, refreshing can be done by either using the SDL Tridion Docs -> Refresh menu or the Oxygen -> DITA -> Refresh References menu.
  • When the variable is inserted, the content of that variable is copied inside the topic. Once inserted, the content cannot be refreshed, unless by re-inserting the variable.

    You can see the latest variable content when working in context. Meaning, when you start from a publication in Publication Manager and the library containing the variable is attached as a resource in the publication.
    Then the variable content is resolved and rendered in the view, showing the latest variable content from the library.
    But the variable content in the topic itself is not updated/replaced, the content at time of insertion still remains in the topic itself.

    When working in context, refreshing can be done by either using the SDL Tridion Docs -> Refresh menu or the Oxygen -> DITA -> Refresh References menu.
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