Looking for user feedback to improve our user interface: Tell us about your taxonomies and use of keywords

Looking for user feedback to improve our user interface: Tell us about your taxonomies and use of keywords

In the 10.1 release of Tridion Sites, we've streamlined the editing of multi-value keyword fields in the Experience Space UI, making it easier to classify content, products, and services.

To help us better understand our customers’ needs and prioritize further improvements in this area, we'd like to get a more detailed picture of how taxonomies (categories and keywords) are used in your organization.

We would therefore be grateful if you could circulate the following questions with relevant users in your Team and share their feedback with us.

1. Flat Keyword Lists:

Do you exclusively or mostly use flat lists of keywords? In other words, are your taxonomies structured so that all keywords are directly under the category with no "nested" keywords?

2. Abstract Keywords:

Do you use "abstract" keywords? These are keywords that act as containers for other keywords but cannot be selected as values in a field.

3. Taxonomy Size:

What is the approximate size of (number of keywords in) the largest taxonomy regularly used in your system? Is this taxonomy hierarchically structured (using nested keywords)?

4. Keyword Creation During Editing:

Do you or other users ever need to create new keywords while editing content or metadata fields? This functionality was missing in previous iterations of Experience Space but was possible via the Classic UI. It is possible now to add a new keyword using the add keyword action as displayed in the image.

Create keyword example

5. BluePrinting and Keyword creation 10.1:

In Tridion Sites 10.1, Experience Space will support the creation of new keywords while editing items, but these keywords will always be created directly under the category (i.e., it won’t be possible to create a keyword as a child of another keyword while editing an item). Would this limitation impact the usefulness of the keyword creation feature?

6. Taxonomy Dynamics:

Are the taxonomies in your system largely static (unlikely to change once set up), or do you or other users frequently add, remove, or edit keywords (e.g., to rename or translate them)?

7. Classify Feature:

The Classic UI provides a "Classify" feature that allows users to add values for a keyword field in one or more items directly from the main list. This feature is not currently available in Experience Space. Do you use this feature? If so, for what purposes?

Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your feedback!

If you would like to discuss this or another topic concerning the usability of Experience Space or the feature road map, we’d be happy to schedule a meeting.

Please contact Danielle van der Heijden (dvanderheijden at rws.com)