Get List of components under folder using powershell core service

Using Powershell Core Service module we can fetch list of components under folder, here is powerhshell function whcih can be used to fetch components under tridion folder

function GetComponentsFromFolder
[int]$indentDepth = 0
$tcmClient = Get-TridionCoreServiceClient -Verbose:($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -eq $true);

write-host "in GetComponentsFromFolder with " + $folderItem

$groupFilter = New-Object Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.OrganizationalItemItemsFilterData

$itemList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList($null);

# For each item nested in the passed folder item, find item type. If item is another folder item, recurively loop through the new folder item.
foreach ($element in $tcmClient.GetListXml($folderItem, $groupFilter).Nodes())

$elementId = $element.Attribute("ID").Value
$elementTitle = $element.Attribute("Title").Value
$elementType = $element.Attribute("Type").Value
$elementSchema = $element.Attribute("SchemaId").Value

switch ($elementType)
# Folder
# Send folder back through GetComponentsFromFolder
$lst = GetComponentsFromFolder -folderItem $elementId -indentDepth $indentDepth + 1
if($null -ne $lst){
if($lst.GetType().Name -eq "String"){


# Component


return $itemList;

Close-TridionCoreServiceClient $tcmClient;


and here how we can call the function on command line 

PS> GetComponentsFromFolder -folderItem "tcm:5-2341-2"