Configuring where the Business Connector stores its files

This articles explains how to configure different locations for the Business Connector to store its attachments and temporary files than the default locations. By default, the Business Connector stores its attachments in the bc\attachments subdirectory of the Content Manager root location, and temporary files in the bc\temp subdirectory of the Content Manager root location.

Changing the locations

To change one or both of these locations, do the following:

1. On a disk that has more than enough space to store the files that the Business Connector produces, create two folders and call them bc and contentporter.

2. Under the bc folder, create two more subdirectory folders and call them work and attachments.

3. In the bc\conf subfolder of your Content Manager root location, find a file called and open it in a plain-text editor. Assuming that D: denotes the drive on which you created your new folders, change the contents of this file so that it reads:

...other configuration settings...
# BusinessConnection.workDir=C:\\Program Files\\Tridion\\bc\\work


# BusinessConnection.attDir=C:\\Program Files\\Tridion\\bc\\attachments

...other configuration settings...

Note: The # character comments out the setting

Note: Note the use of double slashes \\ where you might expect single ones.

4. Create a virtual directory in IIS in the Tridion Content Manager Web site called ContentPorter that points to the new folder called contentporter that you created in step 1.

5. Make sure the virtual folder allows file of type .tmp as an application/octet-stream MIME type to be downloaded and allow Read/Write access to these locations by the Business Connector impersonation user.

6. In the bc\conf\contentporter\ subfolder of your Content Manager root location, find a file called RequestTemplate.xslt and open it in a plain-text or XML editor. Assuming that D: denotes the drive on which you created your new folders, change the contents of this file so that it reads:

<xsl:variable name="attdir">D:\bc\attachments</xsl:variable>
< xsl:variable name="downloaddir">D:\contentporter</xsl:variable>

7. Restart IIS and the Business Connector.