DXA Container Framework v1.1

Today the new version of the DXA Container Framework has been released: https://github.com/NiclasCedermalm/dxa-container-framework
It now contains support for DXA.Net. The framework has been verified using DXA.Net/DXA.Java 1.6 and SDL Web 8. A new minor version of the framework will probably be released as soon DXA 1.7 has been released.
DXA Container Framework offers the possibility to build more flexible layouts in DXA to give more power to SDL Web editors. This to reduce the need of involving IT as soon a new page layout is needed. Typical containers are column layouts, carousels, tabs and accordions. Containers acts as standard SDL Web CMS content components which can be added to pages. As soon they have been added to pages they will introduce a new drop zone where other content components can be added such as tab articles, carousel banners etc. The container then acts also as a region from DXA point of view.
The solution is described in more detail in the following blog post: https://community.sdl.com/solutions/content-management/tridion/tridion-developer/b/weblog/posts/dxa-container-framework-for-flexible-layouts. Note that the old repository 'modules4java' described in the blog post has been replaced by the new 'dxa-container-framework' repository. 
How to setup the DXA Container Framework and the example Flex-Layout module is described below:
CMS Setup
Setup the CME extension by doing the following:
1. Download the pre-compiled DDL here: container-gravity-extension-v1.1.0.dll

2. Upload the DLL to your SDL Web server and place it somewhere local on the server. Then add the following in your %SDLWEB_HOME%\config\Tridion.ContentManager.config in tag:

    <add assemblyFileName="[PATH TO DLL]\container-gravity-extension-v1.1.0.dll"/>

3. After that restart the services 'SDL Web Content Manager Service Host' and 'SDL Web Transport Distributor Service'

Import the CMS module and content types for the example Flex-Layout module:
DXA.Java Setup
DXA.Net Setup