How to use Textpad as your template editor


This document explains how you can configure Textpad so that it recognizes Tridion template code.



1. How to configure textpad to highlight Tridion template code

Download this zip file and unzip it. Put the file tridion_script.syn in c:\program files\textpad\samples

  1. Start Textpad
  2. Create a new document class called 'Tridion Script' by choosing 'New document class' from the Configure menu. 
  3. Click Next. On the next screen you can add the file extensions, e.g.: *.tct, *.tcts, *.tpt, *.tpts, *.tbb, *.tbbs.
  4. Click Next. On the next screen, select the Tridion_script syntax file from the popup list. 
  5. Click Next and Finish
  6. Go to Configure -> Preferences
  7. Click the + sign to expand the Document Classes and select Tridion Script
  8. Click on Syntax and make sure that syntax highlighting is enabled and the tridion_script.syn file is selected. 
  9. You can change the other properties of this document class (like colors, fonts, etc) ad lib.