Installing DD4T templates.

Recently I got chance to work on a project which involves Upgrading DD4T 1.x to DD4T 2.x for a client. While working on this, we had to install the new templates in upgraded CM. Since I am new to this process and I was doing all this for the first time, I was bit worried to proceed with step of running “install-templates.bat”. I did try to find somethings on the internet to figure is there any steps to run this bat file and unfortunately I didn’t get anything concrete. Also, there were couple of blogs which were insisting to be careful while we run this bat file. This increased my blood pressure even more. But finally, I decided to take a chance and run bat file and it was smooth process for me. Followed below steps and it was all good for me without any hassles. Hence, thought to share it in community, so that it will be helpful for beginners or first timers.

Note: These steps are for a local server, not for cloud servers.

Step 1. Make sure that you downloaded the right version of DD4T templates according to requirement.

In my case, it is latest version, i.e DD4T 2.2.1. You can find more about old version and also download form “ ”.

Step 2. Extract the downloaded zip file in one of the folder in your CM server.

Step 3: Before you run bat file, figure out the location in where new TBBs have to be placed in CM. May be you have to create new folder under publication or you can use existing folder. In either of the cases, have TCM id of the folder handy since we need it when we run bat file.

Step 4: Open command prompt, navigate to location where you have the bat file and run the bat file.

Step 5: previous step will executing bat file. There will be few steps which you need to follow and answer while this bat file is in progress.

  • CMS URL: First it will ask for CM URL. Please provide the URL
  • User name: You can leave it blank.
  • Password: you can leave it blank.
  • Upload PDB along with assembly (true/false): Type true.
  • Would you like to keep the configuration file for future uploads? [Y/N]: Y
  • Enter the URI of the folder where you want to store the DD4T template building blocks: Here, mentioned TCM URI of the folder which you figured out in main step 3.

That’s it… It will install the new TBBs at mentioned location in CM.

Below is the screen shot for your reference for the above steps of bat file.