I've seen numerous documentation, articles and posts discussing the use of Redis and ActiveMQ for the purpose of scaled out deployments, which explains how to install them and get them running from the command prompt. But who want's to be running these from the command prompt? No one. So i'll go through how to get these running as a Windows Service.
Browse to the ActiveMQ installation directory and then within \bin\win64 or \bin\win32, open the Wrapper.conf and edit line 135 (wrapper.ntservice.displayname) and line 138 (wrapper.ntservice.description) to change the values to what you wish and save the file.
Within the same directory, simply run the InstallService batch file. That's it!
The Redis installation does come with instructions that explain how to install it as a Windows service. But, if you are picky and don't like that it installs the service in all lowercase letters. Then these instructions are for you!
In command prompt, type the command below and edit the names and locations as you wish:
sc create "Redis-Scaled Deployer" start= auto DisplayName= "Redis-Scaled Deployer" binpath= "\"C:\redis\redis-server.exe\" --service-run \"C:\redis\redis.windows.conf\""
That's it, Redis is now inst..... Ah, there's no description. Run the below to also add a service description (Again, if you are picky) and change the first variable to match the name of the service above:
sc description "Redis-Scaled Deployer" "Redis for a Scaled Deployer"
That's the basics of installing both of these as a Windows Service. Short and straight to the point!