This tutorial explains how to configure a Tridion Content Delivery instance with the oData Web Service.
It is meant as a guide, and it may be applicable only to the "GA" release of SDL Tridion 2011.
Tutorial Sections
- Part 1 - Creating the Content Delivery Database
- Part 2 - Configuring an application server
- Part 3 - Configuring the Tridion Deployer using Eclipse IDE
- Part 4 - Configuring the oData Web Service
- Part 5 - Testing and publishing to the web service
Configuring the oData Web Service
In this chapter we will guide through the configuration of the oData Web Service.
Configuring the Web Service Web Application
Locate the cd_webservice.war file (under [Tridion_Install]\Content Delivery\java\webservice) and rename it to
Click Yes.
Open the zip file (using Explorer) and navigate to WEB-INF\classes
Copy the configuration files you created for the deployer app from C:\Tomcat\Webapps\TridionUpload\WEB-INF\classes into this location (you don't need to copy the cd_deployer_conf.xml file)
Edit the logback.xml file and change the log location (note: you may have to copy this file to your desktop first, make the changes, then copy it back to the ZIP file)
Now, in the zip file, navigate back to WEB-INF\lib
On a different explorer window, navigate to [Tridion_Install]\Content Delivery\java\third-party-lib\1.5, and copy both jar files to the zip file's WEB-INF\lib folder
Rename the file back to cd_webservice.war
Make sure you can set the extension correctly. By default windows will hide the .zip extension. You can change this by selecting Organize -> Folder and search options from the Windows Explorer menu
Deploy this war file in Tomcat (by copying it to C:\Tomcat\Webapps)
Test it in a browser by opening http://localhost:8080/cd_webservice/odata.svc
Tip: you may want to change your Internet Explorer settings to display the Atom+Pub xml returned by this webservice by going to Internet Explorer -> Options, Content Tab, and clicking on Settings under "Feeds and Web Slices" and unchecking the box "Turn on feed reading view". You need to restart IE for this change to be active
You now have an active oData WebService endpoint.