Unable to Render Component Presentation

While I was working on upgrading DD4T 1.x to 2.x, I got this error just before I confirm that everything is working.

The Error is “Unable to Render Component Presentation”.

The interesting thing which I faced was, some page were working and for some pages this error was popping up. I did try to figure out the issue and searched a lot. Spent almost one day.

Following was stack trace of the error.

After spending some time on this error, with help of my colleague Rajesh Saminathan was able to fix this issue. The fix seems to be very simple, but can take real good time from you.


In webconfig, find for following lines:

<add key="Controller" value="TridionComponent"/>

<add key="Action" value="Component"/>

Replace above lines with following lines.

<add key="DD4T.ComponentPresentationController" value="TridionComponent" />

<add key="DD4T.ComponentPresentationAction" value="ComponentPresentation" />

This fix worked for me and was able to complete my task