Tridion developer articles and tutorials

By date
  • DXA Alpaca Forms

    I silently released the Alpaca Forms DXA module as open source earlier this year as there was some interests of this module from one of our clients. However I feel it deserves some more attention so here comes a blog post describing this module ;-)
    The DXA Alpaca forms module is based on Alpaca.JS forms…
  • Precompile your DXA views with Razor Generator

    Typically a DXA website solution contains one or more projects containing views, view models, controllers and other logic. For example, a Site project and a module project which contains module views. This way the views are spread over multiple projects. But... ASP.NET MVC does not work with Razor views…
  • SDL Tridion Sites community review #7


    Episode 7! 
    What was new in the Tridion Sites community last week?

    Blogs, articles and video
    "Finding duplicate binaries in your SDL Tridion Publication"
    In a video John demonstrates the latest Alchemy plugin: the Duplicate Filename Finder.
    John Winter:…

  • Simple Micro-services health check script


    So while working at a customer location we fell into the troubles of trying to confirm what was broken in our environment. You know that period when you see the error, you know there is an issue but you don’t know where the issue exactly comes from. In this particular case, we had a website error which…

  • SDL Tridion Sites community review #6


    Episode 6! A busy week.
    What was new in the Tridion Sites community last week?

    Blogs, articles and video
    "A Peek Into the Future UX and UI Beyond Tridion Sites 9 (Part 1)"
    At the SDL User Experience section of the SDL Community site Philipp presents a sneak preview into what the future will…

  • Setting Up DXA 1.7 Java Web Application on WebSphere 8.5


    As a follow up to my whirlwind journey into the world of WebSphere and Java and civil service work, (don’t ask me which one) I will like, in this blog, to answer one simple question, how can I get a working DXA 1.7 Java on a WebSphere Application Server? I have gone to the oracle called google and sought…

  • SDL Tridion Sites community review #5


    Episode 5!
    What was new in the Tridion Sites community last week?

    Blogs and articles
    "SDL Web 8.5 broker performance woes"
    Harald describes an pretty interesting deep dive into Tridion Sites 8.5 Content Delivery database query performance optimization.
    Harald Hoffelinck: http://www.tridiondeveloper…

  • SDL Tridion Sites community review #4

    Episode 4! New in the community review: videos.
    What was new in the Tridion Sites community last week?
    Blogs, articles and video
    "SDL Tridion Sites - Technical Webinar - Unified Extensions Offering"
    A sneak preview into Unfied Extensions in SDL Tridion Sites 9.
    Onno Ceelen and Likhan Siddiquee…
  • SDL Tridion Sites community review #3


    Episode 3! SDL Web is re-branded as SDL Tridion Sites
    What was new in the Tridion Sites community last week?

    Blogs and articles
    "Pass Additional Structure Group Information in Navigation.Json for DXA Project"
    Sayantan has created a TBB to publish structure group metadata with the DXA navigation…

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