Launch Webinar Slides for Tridion Sites 10

Hi everyone - here's the deck from the Tridion Sites 10 Launch Webinar on May 11.  Look here in the community for more resources as we approach the July release date!

Below are the Questions and Answers (including the ones that we didn't get a chance to go over during the session):

Can you go from a 9.6 version  to a 10?

- Yes you can!  We'll be posting some of the technical bootcamp videos in the community the week of May 15th so you may wish to review them to understand some more details about upgrading.

If this was designed with React components in mind. Are there any caveats to using Angular?

- The UI Extensions have to be made as React components.  Bear in mind that you're of course welcome to made Delivery Applications based on Angular.

Hi Greg,  Any highlights/enhancements to the the Search feature in Tridion.

- Previously  with 9.6 we allowed semantic searches based on concept. In 10, the big improvement is the Recommendation functions.

Hi Greg, any specific framework(Next.js, Gatsby) used in React Application?

- Take a look at the Bootcamp videos that we;re going to post on the community. There are some details in there! They should be available the week of May 15th.

What is the process of expirations of content and files?

- Scheduled Publish/Unpublish will be the same as in earlier versions.  As a side note, in 9.6 we introduced Archive folders where you can keep older unpublished content.  Content in Archive folders can't be accidentally published.

Do we need to build extensions just once to work both on the classic ui and experience space?

- This extension framework is for the new UI only.  It ties in with the React framework of the new UI.

When in a SaaS (CaaS) solution, how would it work with integration of a analytics party?

- Yes analytics integrations are cloud compatible as long as you use the standard methods: 1) the usual tag management in your delivery environment, 2) the Extension Framework, and 3) the Integration Framework.  The main thing about cloud is that you no longer get filesystem /. server process access.

Is filesystem publishing deprecated as of Sites 10?

- Indeed it is. Feel free to follow-up with us to discuss a good path forward for your requirements.

Will XPM also be updated?

- No changes to XPM. In the coming year we'll post some examples of how to enable XPM-lite on some modern frameworks.

What's the impact for DXA (java ed) upgrading to Tridion 10?

- Still supported! Which version of DXA are you on?

Will Fonto be the next WYSIWYG editor for Tridion?

- In the core product we're going to stay with TinyMCE, but there currently is a field initiative to integrate Fonto with Tridion's REST API.  Still very much a work in progress but will keep the community posted!

Will you be sending us the recording and the slide deck?

- Yes on the Community :)

Hi, Was Analytics functionality included within Content Manager in v10?

- Visitor Analytics available as before through tools like Google Analytics.  A/B testing analytics available through the Experience Optimization.  Reporting on the overall content repository is something that our partners have a solution for - please reach out if this is of interest.

Exciting to see all the new features.  qq: integration with analytics.  Can it be integrated with any analytics available in the market?

- See above :).  Also we'll be showing some examples in the coming months for integrating Analytics Data into the new Extension Framework.

Will versioning be available on folders, sg's and keywords/categories?

- Hi Vanessa, this is a popular request and it's under consideration by the product team :)

I like the option to add columns and filter on items in the folder. Would be great if exporting could also be done.

- We've got export as CSV!  There are so many great new features in the UI :)

In Access Management, will you be able to see in what UI the user is working? We currently have no way other then ask them in person :-)

- Within Tridion Tridion Access Management we don't have that feature.  Depending on your configured Identity Provider, there might be some way to get a report out of there...but I'm not sure.

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