[Partner Solutions] Content analytics and reporting: how to manage content performance efficiently with Tridion and Content Bloom

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Following the question on Content Analytics during the Tridion Sites 10 launch webinar, a quick glance on the Content Bloom's Content Intelligence solution:

Content Bloom designed a Content Intelligence Platform that extracts content information from Tridion and offers insights for all types of stakeholders.
This Content Intelligence Platform comes with a relatively simple but highly effective logical architecture that is capable of crunching through millions of pieces of information almost instantly. It presents actionable insights in a visual dashboard that helps companies improve the ROI of their content strategy. 
Thanks to this solution a company’s can define its localization strategy. Here’s a screenshot of the localization insights page on the Content Intelligence Platform as extracted from the blog
More information about Content Bloom's Content Intelligence Framework in the enclosed presentation during Tridion Success Summit in London, March 2023.
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