Social Connect Module DXA .net 1.0

This Modules adds social login capabilities to DXA application. Currently Facebook and Google connects are provided in this version. 


Installation on CMS:

  • Extract the module zip
  • Open Power shell in admin on CM machine.
  • Run ./ cms-import.ps1 
  • Provide CMS URL when prompted.

Publishing :

  • _System/Publish Htmldesign
  • _System/Publish Settings
  • Include/Header
  • Social Connect/LogOff
  • Social Connect/Social
  • Social connect/SocialCallback

Don't forget to do Admin/refresh


Installation on Website:

  • Open Module folder
  • Browse to \SocialConnect\web\web8
  • Run ./web-install.ps1
  • Provide application root path when prompted

- After installation,  Refresh Home page and you will see Login link in menu. Click on that and click on any social media you like.

- If you give your application Host it should work as i have provided my test keys in the installation for now, which i will change later. Otherwise you have to do home work to set Key/Secret in and



- After installation it will be active 

- if you want to disable it. Remove the keys from Appsettings.

Note: Limitation due to OWIN, this Enable/Disable can not happen from CMS. because OWIN gets trigger way before Localization object is created so app URL is not resolved before that so settings from CD can not be retrieved.


DXA: Tested on DXA 1.4 and 1.5.

CMS: Tested on WEB 8. 

Developer:  Raj Kumar
License agreement:    Apache License, Version 2.0
Version:    1.0

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