About this group

Welcome to the Tridion Portfolio community group. Please see the subgroups for Tridion Docs, Tridion Sites, and our Content Champions below!

Tridion Docs

Welcome to the Community group for Tridion Docs, a DITA-based structured content management solution that solves the complexity of creating, managing and distributing in-depth product content and technical documentation at scale.

Tridion Sites

Welcome to the Community Group for Tridion Sites, the Content Management System (CMS) that powers some of the worlds most important brands!

Content Champions (new in 2025!)

Welcome to the Community Group for industry-specific and business discussions and events. Come here to join our micro communities! 

Blog posts
  • Releasing the tiger: how to profit from Solr in your Tridion…

    Any Tridion installation comes with a powerful search engine to facilitate the full-text…
  • Forget Like and Subscribe, Could I get a Recommendation, Please…

    Read the full text.
  • Forget Like and Subscribe, Could I get a Recommendation, Please…

    Read the full text.
  • Is it the end of the component presentation?

    Read the full text.
  • What's Cooking for SDL Tridion Sites 9.5’s New User Interface…

    My colleague  and I shared what's cooking for the Tridion Sites 9.5 New UI at…
  • How Omron Used SDL Tridion Sites and Bynder to Improve Leads…

    Interesting piece in Clickz, looking at how US manufacturer Omron managed to increase…
  • SDL Tridion Docs 14 Named Industry’s #1 Component Content Management…

    Very excited to announce that SDL Tridion Docs 14 has been named the industry's number…
  • Automating on SDL Tridion Docs (TDS2019) - Business Process …

    We recently had two Tridion Developer Summits - one on SDL Connect 2019 and one in Amsterdam…
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