About this group

Welcome to the Tridion Portfolio community group. Please see the subgroups for Tridion Docs, Tridion Sites, and our Content Champions below!

Tridion Docs

Welcome to the Community group for Tridion Docs, a DITA-based structured content management solution that solves the complexity of creating, managing and distributing in-depth product content and technical documentation at scale.

Tridion Sites

Welcome to the Community Group for Tridion Sites, the Content Management System (CMS) that powers some of the worlds most important brands!

Content Champions (new in 2025!)

Welcome to the Community Group for industry-specific and business discussions and events. Come here to join our micro communities! 

Blog posts
  • Tridion and Node: Why Node is a big deal

    A few months back I had the opportunity to speak at the Tridion Developer Summit. You…
  • Iterating regions in .NET templates (TOM.NET)

    SDL Tridion Sites 9 has introduced concept of predefined page regions. You can find detailed…

  • DevReach Conference 2018

    Being a Developer means we must constantly update our knowledge with the latest tools…
  • Deploying Event System Extensions in 8.5

    Writing code .. that’s the easy part. The hard part can sometimes be deploying the code…
  • SDL Releases Digital Experience Accelerator 2.1

    We have released a new version of Digital Experience Accelerator for .NET. It introduces…

  • SDL Releases Digital Experience Accelerator 2.1

    We have released a new version of Digital Experience Accelerator for .NET. It introduces…

  • SDL Tridion Sites 9 released

    Earlier this November SDL has released (the new version of) one of the components of their…
  • SDL Tridion DX and Content Mashup

    The release of SDL Tridion DX suites allows integration of SDL Tridion Sites 9 with SDL…
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