About this group

Welcome to the Tridion Portfolio community group. Please see the subgroups for Tridion Docs, Tridion Sites, and our Content Champions below!

Tridion Docs

Welcome to the Community group for Tridion Docs, a DITA-based structured content management solution that solves the complexity of creating, managing and distributing in-depth product content and technical documentation at scale.

Tridion Sites

Welcome to the Community Group for Tridion Sites, the Content Management System (CMS) that powers some of the worlds most important brands!

Content Champions (new in 2025!)

Welcome to the Community Group for industry-specific and business discussions and events. Come here to join our micro communities! 

Blog posts
  • CoreService PowerShell Script To Create Bundle/Bundles

    Read the full text.
  • Jobs to be Done, User Stories, and Experience Manager

    If you haven't already, check out the invitation to give us feedback on the User Experience…

  • Categories and Keywords on steroids


    Instead of maintaining many categories each with a limited set of keywords…

  • Excel — an excellent editor for Tridion component lists

    One of our customers has a pattern where they have a list of component links in a container…
  • Updating the Multimedia Component Metadata XML with Core Ser…

    During a recent DXA project we experienced strange errors when publishing some content…
  • Export Publish Transaction data to Excel

    I recently got the question "how long does publishing a page take". This is an easy question…

  • Dynamixel XL430-W250T Servo on Raspberry PI using Java

    As I am recently building multiple robots at once (Hexapod, Rover and some other projects…
  • Auto-starting Microservices on Linux Content Delivery Server…

    You have a bunch of SDL Tridion Content Delivery microservices set up in various locations…
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