How to create a return kit?

I would like to create a plugin that allows the user to create a return kit and upload to the server from the Editor View.

What is the best method to access this functionality from the API?

Parents Reply
  • Hi Jesse,
    Thanks for the reply. Well, the sdlxliff generation is exposed easily with these simple lines of code:

                Guid[] files = new Guid[EditorController.ActiveDocument.Files.Count()];
                for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
                    files[ i ] = EditorController.ActiveDocument.Files.ElementAt(i).Id;
                FilesController.CurrentProject.CreateReturnPackage(files, @"d:\test", "test");

    This is a ZIP file, so you can then access the current sdlxliff in the target folder. Only this xliff is incompatible with WS.
    When you create a return package with Studio, it puts the sdlrpx file through a conversion and outputs a wsxz file, which also has an xlf inside, but it is it the WS xliff format that is understood by the WS and can be imported.

    So there is a converter and of course I could write another one, but I hope I can access the one someway through the exposed APIs.

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