By date
  • IMPORTANT! Implementation of previously notified changes

    In line with our policy, any deprecated functionality or breaking API changes are announced 6 months in advance. With this in mind, the following two changes require notification. Enforcement of validation of fields when a project is created Previously announced in February 2023, May 2023, and August 2023. The dueBy, location, and languageDirection fields will be required when creating a new proje...
  • Language Cloud Public API Updates [August 2022]

    What's new Visit the What's new page to find out more. Recent changes include: There are new endpoints for downloading project quotes New versions of source and target files can be uploaded New information about file formats What's deprecated Visit the What's deprecated page to find out more. Recent changes include: The Export Quote endpoint will be retired in Dece...
  • Language Cloud Public API Updates [July 2022] #2

    What's new Visit the What's new page to find out more. Recent changes include: Guidelines for How to use location and folders Details on How to report an API issue
  • Language Cloud Public API Updates [July 2022]

    For developers who want to integrate with RWS Language Cloud applications, the Public API provides a rich feature set. New features and functionality are being added to the API all the time so I thought I would take this opportunity to let you know what's been happening recently. What's new There is a specific section of the API documentation where you can find a list of newly released endpoints o...
  • Retrieve the list of active Projects available in SDL WorldServer using the…

    In this article, I would like to present a method for retrieving the list of active Projects in SDL WorldServer using the REST API. The method takes two parameters: wsBaseUrl token The wsBaseUrl must be the <serverURL>:<portnumber> where your WorldServer instance is running. The second parameter is a security token, which can be retrieved by using the SDL WorldServer REST API as...
  • Complete a Task Step in SDL WorldServer using the REST API

    In this article, I would like to present a method for completing an active Task Step in SDL WorldServer using the REST API. The method takes three parameters: wsBaseUrl token completeTaskStepRequestBody The wsBaseUrl must be the <serverURL>:<portnumber> where your WorldServer instance is running. The second parameter is a security token, which can be retrieved by using the ...
  • Download an asset associated with a TASK in SDL WorldServer using the REST…

    In this article, I would like to present a method for downloading a file (asset) associated with a Task in SDL WorldServer using the REST API. The method takes six parameters: wsBaseUrl token taskId assetName downloadLocation assetLocationType The wsBaseUrl must be the <serverURL>:<portnumber> where your WorldServer instance is running. The second parameter is a security to...
  • Get a list of Tasks from a Project in SDL WorldServer using the REST API

    In this article, I would like to present a method for retrieving a list of Tasks from a Project in SDL WorldServer using the REST API. The method takes three parameters: wsBaseUrl token projectId The wsBaseUrl must be the <serverURL>:<portnumber> where your WorldServer instance is running. The second parameter is a security token, which can be retrieved by using the SDL Wor...
  • Create Project Groups in SDL WorldServer using the REST API

    In this article, I would like to present a method for creating a Project Group in SDL WorldServer using the REST API. The method takes three parameters: wsBaseUrl token projectGroups The wsBaseUrl must be the <serverURL>:<portnumber> where your WorldServer instance is running. The second parameter is a security token, which can be retrieved by using the SDL WorldServer REST API&...
  • Upload files to SDL WorldServer using the REST API

    In this article, I would like to present a method for uploading a collection of files to SDL WorldServer using the REST API. The method takes three parameters: wsBaseUrl token files The wsBaseUrl must be the <serverURL>:<portnumber> where your WorldServer instance is running. The second parameter is a security token, which can be retrieved by using the SDL WorldServer REST API a...
  • Uploading customization package to SDL WorldServer using Java


    In this article, I present a solution for uploading a customization package (zip file containing a desc.xml) using a Java method.

    Click here to view the upload customization method code

    The method takes three parameters:

    1. wsBaseUrl
    2. token
    3. customizationFile

    The wsBaseUrl must be the <serverURL>:<portnumber> where your WorldServer instance is running.

    The second parameter is a security token, which can be retrieved…

  • Connecting to SDL WorldServer using the /login REST API call


    It is now possible to connect to SDL WorldServer and perform a number of actions by using the WorldServer REST API. The REST API documentation is available from your WorldServer instance by accessing <serverURL>:<portnumber>/ws-api/docs/ws-api-doc-v1.html.

    In this article I present a method for connecting to SDL WorldServer and fetching a security token to be used in all subsequent API calls.

    Click here to…

  • Building a Custom Servlet for SDL WorldServer


    SDL WorldServer allows customers to expand WorldServer capabilities through pluggable components. There are several exit points in WorldServer through which custom code can be invoked to perform customer-specific operations.

    Here are the types of pluggable components currently supported:

    • AIS Triggers: AIS stands for Asset Interface System and is the framework WorldServer uses to access content whether that content is in…
  • Options to extend and customize Trados Studio

    I'm absolutely sure that Trados Studio is the most customizable product on the market. To me this a no brainer; all you have to do is to go to the SDL AppStore and have a look at the number of plugins and applications that are available. And that is not all, because there are at least the same number of customizations carried out which are not published on the store because they are built to f...
  • SDL Studio plugin dependencies cleanup

    I decided to write this article after I got a question on my last blog article, SDL Studio plugin manifest, about an issue with files that are overridden during an SDL Studio plugin build. Although this issue is quite specific I received questions with similar situations from other people and the root cause of this problem is related to how you manage SDL Studio plugin dependencies, or, in other w...
  • SDL Studio plugin manifest

    This week I reached two years since I joined SDL as a developer evangelist . Stay relaxed, this article is not a retrospective of this period. However it is a milestone and as part of my own reflection over this interval of time I also looked at the blog articles I've written. Besides the fact that I could have done better in terms of how many articles I've written, I quickly realized that I didn't talk clearly enough…
  • Blog 2.0

    It's been a while since I've written my last article and if you've been on my blog before you will probably notice that it has new look. I was absolutely fine with the previous design and I didn't had any intention to change it but this came as a side effect of changing my blogging platform. If you followed my blog you probably knew I was using Github Pages and that worked great for me until it didn't. This article will…
  • How to create a new segment using Studio File Type Framework

    Until I started to work in the translation industry I lived with the impression that the translation of a certain content is just a mater of knowing the right languages. I never realized that when you translate something everyone expects the results to look and feel identical just with the text in another language. For example you expect to have the same headings, fonts, colors, paragraphs and so on. In my humble opinion…
  • Protected: TM-Town Beta Testing – private comments page

    This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: Read the full text.
  • True interactive translation prediction (ITP) in your CAT tool

    This video is a demo of a prototype project developed for true adaptive machine translation suggestions, as you type. Read the full text.
  • SDL Studio Public API

    I love writing code, something I’ve probably said before in other articles. Writing code means dealing with all sorts of API's all day long, starting from your development platform, in my case Micrososft .Net , to different applications or platform API's. In my humble opinion, in today's world it's all about API's and if I were deciding to buy a piece of software for a company I wouldn't consider any that didn't come…
  • First 2016 ITCamp community event

    We are already mid February 2016 and the IT events in Cluj are pilling up big time. This is going to be a really busy spring and of course really interesting. To name, chronologically, just a few of which I'm aware Hellojs , Codecamp , Devtalks , Romanian Testing Conference , Techsylvania and ITCamp . I won't be too surprised if I missed one or two ... . Surprisingly most of them are in may so till then I suggest to warm…
  • About SDL Studio SDK

    This is the 5th part of the OpenExchange: Age of Developers series. In the previous articles I talked about how to configure your development environment and also gave some suggestion on how you can start the development for OpenExchange store. One of the steps from the development environment setup was to install the SDL Studio SDK and I think it's worth talking about it in a bit more detail. Age of developers …
  • SDL Plugin Installer error – Where are the buttons?

    If you don’t see any buttons in the form when installing a plugin to SDL Trados Studio (as the image above), then the quick fix is to temporarily change your Windows screen resolution settings to 100% DPI for fonts and icons, install the plugin, and then...
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