• Easing plugin dependency version maintenance via assembly binding retargeting

    Hello, I wanted to ask your opinion if it would be feasible to automatically retarget the plugin dependencies to the actual versions (as long as there weren't any breaking changes). Let me share a bit more context on where I encountered this: The…
  • How to get a portion of a segment based on cursor position in the active target segment?

    Hello, I've been trying to find a way to get the cursor position on the target segment. This is actually the first step of something that should be fairly simple: I'd like to get the portion of the target segment from the beginning of the segment up…
  • Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one of its dependencies

    Dear SDL Devs, dear Community, we are still using the file based API. On Studio 2019 we get the following error, using Sdl.LanguagePlatform.TranslationMemoryApi : Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral…
  • Retrieve the list of active Projects available in SDL WorldServer using the REST API

    In this article, I would like to present a method for retrieving the list of active Projects in SDL WorldServer using the REST API. The method takes two parameters: wsBaseUrl token The wsBaseUrl must be the <serverURL>:<portnumber> where your…
  • Complete a Task Step in SDL WorldServer using the REST API

    In this article, I would like to present a method for completing an active Task Step in SDL WorldServer using the REST API. The method takes three parameters: wsBaseUrl token completeTaskStepRequestBody The wsBaseUrl must be the <serverURL…
  • Download an asset associated with a TASK in SDL WorldServer using the REST API

    In this article, I would like to present a method for downloading a file (asset) associated with a Task in SDL WorldServer using the REST API. The method takes six parameters: wsBaseUrl token taskId assetName downloadLocation assetLocationType…
  • Get a list of Tasks from a Project in SDL WorldServer using the REST API

    In this article, I would like to present a method for retrieving a list of Tasks from a Project in SDL WorldServer using the REST API. The method takes three parameters: wsBaseUrl token projectId The wsBaseUrl must be the <serverURL>:<portnumber…
  • Create Project Groups in SDL WorldServer using the REST API

    In this article, I would like to present a method for creating a Project Group in SDL WorldServer using the REST API. The method takes three parameters: wsBaseUrl token projectGroups The wsBaseUrl must be the <serverURL>:<portnumber> where…
  • Upload files to SDL WorldServer using the REST API

    In this article, I would like to present a method for uploading a collection of files to SDL WorldServer using the REST API. The method takes three parameters: wsBaseUrl token files The wsBaseUrl must be the <serverURL>:<portnumber> where…
  • Question on how to proceed - editing sdlxliff files when creating a project with SDK

    Hello, I wrote a console application in visual studio c# that creates a project based on few parameters. It's mostly similar/taken from the example in the project automation sdk documentation. I need, after copying to target language the sdlxliff…
  • Create SDLXliff files with Java

    As a developer for a Java program, we would like to be able to automatically create SDLXliff files from an XLIFF (inculding a TMX). Are there any API's available for Java or is there a detailed specification of the SDLXliff format available? Thank…
  • Will a 32-bit DLL work in and 64-bit Application, specifically, 32-bit Access vs 64-bit Access?

    Former Member
    Former Member
    I have an MultiTerm application that uses Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.dll, designed for 32-bit Access. I'm trying to set up this same application to run in 64-bit Access. So far, I have been able to successfully modify the API calls and the application compiles…
  • Connecting to SDL WorldServer using the /login REST API call

    It is now possible to connect to SDL WorldServer and perform a number of actions by using the WorldServer REST API. The REST API documentation is available from your WorldServer instance by accessing <serverURL>:<portnumber>/ws-api/docs/ws-api-doc-v1…
  • Population of Project Translation Memories is failing with API (returns empty folder)

    SDL API with Groupshare Server Based TMs. Ref. to the subject given, note that we are onto a task of creating projects as well as generating (populating) TMs through an API. We already have our own web-service which successfully communicates with SDL…
  • Accessing Color settings in SDL Trados Studio 2015

    Hi, I am trying to access the color settings through the Studio APIs. Can anybody give me a hint please? Thanks, Balázs
  • Can't install SDL Trados Studio 2015 SDK.exe file from OOS

    Hi, I'm trying to install SDL SDK file on my desktop but after clicking next and install then progress bar comes up little bit and automatically installation program turns off without any notification. But, C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\SDL\SDLTradosStudio2015SDK4…