Can I develop against SDL Trados Studio 2015 Freelance? Or do I need a Professional version?

I'm asking because I tried to follow the TerminologyProviderApi tutorial and struggle with step "Setting the Source and Target Language" (

I followed the tutorial to the letter and still my "Terminology Provider" won't activate (red cross instead of the green tick; Enabled is ticked).

There are also no Termbase Languages to select in the Languages box (but I guess that is because the Provider isn't properly loaded).

The languages match the project languages. I should have the proper SDK (downloaded only a few days ago) and I'm using VS2013, compiling x86.

Up to this glitch everything worked as prescribed, so I wonder whether this is a licensing issue.

Is there anywhere a list of the parts of the API which may be used for which version of SDL Trados Studio?

  • I seem to have solved the issue.

    I had also the ExcelTerminology plugin installed to learn from its behaviour.

    From inspecting the code () I found out that it accepts all Uris (SupportsTerminologyProviderUri returns simply true for all Uris, in both the TerminologyProviderFactory and TerminologyProviderWinFormsUI).

    This led me to think that it might intercept all calls intended for my plugin. After de-installing ExcelTerminology my plugin worked.

    If my analysis is correct a single (terminology) plugin could block all others as does ExcelTerminology.

    • I think the plugin loader should test  this possibly by calling SupportsTerminologyProviderUri with a random Uri and checking the return value (true would be bad and it should be disabled).
    • The VS template should also be amended and have some warning as a comment in SupportsTerminologyProviderUri and/or code eg.:

      public const string MyUriScheme = "myuri://";

      public bool SupportsTerminologyProviderUri(Uri terminologyProviderUri)
            // don't just return true! Test whether terminologyProviderUri fits.
             return terminologyProviderUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Scheme) == MyTerminologyProvider.MyUriScheme;

  • I seem to have solved the issue.

    I had also the ExcelTerminology plugin installed to learn from its behaviour.

    From inspecting the code () I found out that it accepts all Uris (SupportsTerminologyProviderUri returns simply true for all Uris, in both the TerminologyProviderFactory and TerminologyProviderWinFormsUI).

    This led me to think that it might intercept all calls intended for my plugin. After de-installing ExcelTerminology my plugin worked.

    If my analysis is correct a single (terminology) plugin could block all others as does ExcelTerminology.

    • I think the plugin loader should test  this possibly by calling SupportsTerminologyProviderUri with a random Uri and checking the return value (true would be bad and it should be disabled).
    • The VS template should also be amended and have some warning as a comment in SupportsTerminologyProviderUri and/or code eg.:

      public const string MyUriScheme = "myuri://";

      public bool SupportsTerminologyProviderUri(Uri terminologyProviderUri)
            // don't just return true! Test whether terminologyProviderUri fits.
             return terminologyProviderUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Scheme) == MyTerminologyProvider.MyUriScheme;

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