After reading the contract and agreements, i dont feel like im qualified for this type of job.
How can i ask for my accounts to be deleted?
I havent signed any vendor agreements yet

After reading the contract and agreements, i dont feel like im qualified for this type of job.
How can i ask for my accounts to be deleted?
I havent signed any vendor agreements yet
Hi ,
In order to delete all your RWS Accounts, please email our colleagues at and they will be able to help with your request.
Thank you,
Hello Georgiana Iancu
I have a similar issue, I want to delete 2 accounts I created wrongly and keep only my real correct one, but I do not know how to do it.
I wrote an email to as you suggested, but they haven't replied yet. Is that email still valid? Can you please advise? Thanks a lot!!
Hi Valeria Maria Tafel ,
What kind of RWS accounts are you referring to? Created on RWS Community or on other RWS platforms?
If it's accounts created on the community, I am happy to help.
If it's with other RWS platforms, I would advise you to write to, as the process in this case is tad bit different.
However, they're most likely to be able to help with your issue.
Let me know if I can help in any other way.
All the best,
They are in the language cloud. I access regularly with my credentials, but then 3 accounts are presented to me, where only 1 is my eal account. The other 2 are accounts I probably created in error believing that I was creating projects or something like that. I would simply like to eliminate them
Hi Valeria Maria Tafel ,
Then yes, in this case, the best course of action is to email our colleagues at
They will be more than happy to help you solve this issue.
Let me know if I can help you in any other way.
All the best,
Hi Valeria Maria Tafel ,
Then yes, in this case, the best course of action is to email our colleagues at
They will be more than happy to help you solve this issue.
Let me know if I can help you in any other way.
All the best,
Ok thank you for this info then!
Hi Georgiana, since you were so helpful with me, I wanted to update you about this. After some exchanges with the RWS Service Desk, nobody could help me with this issue and they told me to "raise a request from or please contact you contact person in SDL to raise a request on behalf of you to remove the other accounts"...
and now I do not know what to do!
Can you help me again?
Sorry Georgiana, I have just received a reply from SDL support who explained tome what those accounts are (they were created by my clients for me!!!), so the issue is resolved. I apologize, but I did not remember they did so because I got no other jobs from those clients recently, sio I had forgottem about them! Thank you and sorry again for taking your time!