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Public Profiles?

Are public profiles possible on SDL Community?

While making review material and congratulating the SDL Web community winners (congrats again, btw), we linked to the user profiles of the winners.

However, other users need to login to see these profiles. Is it possible to make our community profiles public or at least public for the SDL Tridion Developers' group? These professionals tend to be active on public groups such as Tridion Stack Exchange and have public profiles on platforms like Linked-In.


  • Which privacy law is causing the problem? IANAL, but my understanding is that if the "personal details" are gathered with a clearly expressed purpose, and then used in accordance with that purpose, you are in compliance with the law. So if you collect details for a personal profile on a community site, all you need to do is say at the beginning that the information is intended as a publicly available profile. Or are there other concerns?

  • Which privacy law is causing the problem? IANAL, but my understanding is that if the "personal details" are gathered with a clearly expressed purpose, and then used in accordance with that purpose, you are in compliance with the law. So if you collect details for a personal profile on a community site, all you need to do is say at the beginning that the information is intended as a publicly available profile. Or are there other concerns?

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