• How i delete all my Rws accounts?

    Former Member
    Former Member
    After reading the contract and agreements, i dont feel like im qualified for this type of job. How can i ask for my accounts to be deleted? I havent signed any vendor agreements yet
  • Uable to comment or reply to my idea post

    Hi, I'm not sure why i'm not able to comment or reply to my post here . Whatever I typed It just says your comment "needs to be moderated and has been added to the moderation queue", and it really confuses me where this queue is. I'm a new guy…
  • Forum not working properly in Firefox

    Hello dear people from SDL, I feel your latest update to the Community Web UI needs a little rework. If I open any question and want to search other questions from there, it is hardly possible from within Firefox. To clarify, I present two simple…
  • Why normal user not able to open their draft post/blogs?

    Hi, Why normal user who doesn't have Admin/Group Owner/Group Manager is not able to find/open their own blogs/posts? I feel, it should be there. Users should be able to find and open and publish their draft blogs/posts.
  • Events in the SDL Community

    Hi all, Just a quick question to see how one could add an event to the events page? At the moment we only have the FIT Congress in there and we have so many webinars on offer and other industry events that we attend that might be interesting to the…
  • The point of no return: We don't want to go back!

    Slingshot Which company can truly say that after a year of operating a community: We don't want to go back to the old way of working? Here at SDL we have reached that "Point of no return". Usually, "the point of no return" is associated with a negative…
  • Customer Pilot Feedback: What could be changed?

    Suggestion: I would like to have the license generator also in the community site.
  • Customer Pilot Feedback: What could be changed?

    Tridionworld vs Tridion Community. Is Tridionworld going to be closed?