This post outlines the general terms of etiquette for posting on the SDL Community. Contributions to the SDL Community should be productive and enhance the community experience. Productive criticism is encouraged, but “troll-like” posts of a disparaging or inflammatory nature are unwelcomed and will be rejected.
As a general code of etiquette, all posts should be mindful and respectful of the community and the purpose of the forums. Keep in mind that the community is meant to facilitate discussion. All posts are moderated with consideration of their adherence to the following etiquette guidelines:
Check through documentation
Double check that your inquiry has not already been addressed in existing documentation. A great place to start is the documentation at Also consider using the Search facility on the community.
Consider your tone
Approach discussions, even ones where disagreements arise, with respect to those engaging with you. Do not use all capitals, as this is considered shouting.
Be as specific as possible
Your subject line should be clear, the content of your inquiry should be in-depth, and the reason for your post should be clearly evident.
Be courteous of others’ time
Do not mark your question as urgent or ASAP. Don't put personal contact details in your question and expect people to contact you via phone or email. Community questions should be answered in the community.
Provide resources and context needed to answer your question
Provide the product and full version, as well as any relevant information about the device/software you are experiencing the issues with.
Be attentive to general rules regarding content
Links to outside blogs and websites will likely be considered spam. (See the general FAQ for more detailed guidelines on this.) Keep links out of your signature, do not include confidential or proprietary content, proofread your post, and do not plagiarize).
Respond appropriately when your question has been addressed
Proper etiquette is that the poster should provide feedback to those who provide answers to questions; mark responses accordingly as "Verify answer as correct".
Don't beg for points or pressure members into marking your response correct or helpful
Asking for positive responses to your posts in an effort to elevate your profile status can be construed as "point begging" and will not be permitted.
Don't post exam or certification questions for other users to answer
This is considered cheating and is not permitted. Your account may be suspended or banned for this type of activity.