
I'm trying to import TMs into GroupShare. I'm able to do it all except create Organizations and Libraries in GroupShare which is needed for the import. Is this something that can be done via some API I missed. I've checked all the API manuals (2011).

Any ideas on how creation of Organizations and Libraries in GroupShare could be automated ?


  • Hi Chris,

    With the release of SDL Studio GroupShare 2014 we introduced User Management through the REST API.

    You can currently use the REST API to do the following:

    • Create/Edit/Delete/Search Users
    • Create/Edit/Delete/Search Roles
    • Create/Edit/Delete/Search Organization
    • Add/Remove User from a Role

    You can access the current documenation on a GroupShare Server by browsing to the URL: http://localhost:41234/help/management/Documentation
    (This is currently not accessible remotely, so you need to be RDPed into the actually Server)

    One piece you need which is not yet documented is that you need to put a request first to get a token (which will be valid for 8 hours).

    To do so, you send a Post Request to

    URL:  http://servername/authentication/api/0.7/login


    Header             Value

    Authorization   Basic c2E6c2E=

    Content-Type application/json

    Body (json):  ["ManagementRestApi"]

    This will return a token to you.

    Once you have this token, you need to send an Authorization Header with the following for every REST Call:

    Header               Value

    Authorization      Bearer Token

    An example would look like this:

    Bearer AAIAAKPwOXgXWRZPIfL2wl47hJKWPRa1JCax8dbLiuj9BzTJM3Meg96mmMTtYW6odsYaX5-G6MZrpLmDApsAO15CU_4O_VEuNd7cOYLmF4HKorulHKJ3Z0p5bQsH6Oej_YDWphD50AoolNk6EX6IfWuY3-dKQODu4EBUdFjqSXE9MDJh12Bevmi8k_bdwrulyjfMYbs5EH9mYZLO1a1huw65Zm2TGI7ne2xGhPbVuJAkpXu_VoIxnK92z8t-4sXKtwXqZPLDWXIvY-Mbp_zDCTsgWGE9-vzcHg-oxQ4901V7MCOZYxFtF0PjZAmjN2-XuN9Bukwa3cxxSrqxWqDFlNY1TiYJikFEsxV5G_qcMmZWnnay7O7gpwFSnAceAaI7Eo1rNSEwkUjRqT_QJFMoLkvLMAPAnVg8auHJ6S_YR3TxhVPVI7y8aTCyWGCsKBpAuyYWeTX7BqNouPp2OQJ-P6CM4jy2iw_knib0jZQI90v4yU4VTQQNXaKdAsEUCC1-9AIkyxT0Db6nNgblZoq8Nlfxxlwlq4G1pC4pnwjCidbRSP92bkHpSXhw328p5gld9u1TM8c8GxGNf5HVkMfS1QZwHyhy8ORqcBT3ibzcgz5zoSfnJPKjZicMCgEmDHwP1_DkvYxvlVxVrbrh9jKVDJKEfS5MpxKQkG79jX1ux8_BriSuhAIAAAACAABUbiXeEiSg12mr3GY8ia00FoGa8ybZ1DIfy4s_G4b7Nlt1aL6UIQauYjY5yVJ1h4VVGOAj76V_JmBRrY8dZtE2J5SNflmCK8SAESOK5soVlI_rVhlI8p4ee3Gsyhe77bJFBTGbH1AH4wYiASX_i1WdGOmWoKrv6A0z_GVUkQi49OwGCfklWD40w0Z9jHibJa-94kL89NElzsjSm4tWWs1C0nAV9Ur88RmqKTDyO5tVu0bLcvPhRFpEoBNbYt0YbI2HahQsY0tNGCeCBySZYNLyQdFwx6GD9od8iATG6TY9jS_SiqmK8Iv4XYe927voExF2-SpLw07xQb3ATBFeW7yAQqCnLVMCiRK5CIbzpOHVJFoMMYyYSxXtXAZbE0r_0dAVVj58wV8laGxsibFHDaT6EqPLnCXhEC7SMQuIrZRcgUUQRXV0TagpAbNMnBbeigocY6LEJ97AB22GTIW2WkBPAE1szXxUB7QwGllZsG2b2OjOpvSRpd38YvGxYmAUL9a871GHGL5nhzjbdul5b2NYqkNPAVSYIzx-Z5zBIU4bbaPKD4LX8sCLbLWusXrmZs2BOZamta9ZIyG-vYQxcjXBHQecry5mgkOtAy4a6qut6cIfDUaSLW7fZXsRhqTGW7yaL50ObhFzc5NplCQRSTekJgn0sTxafmAUnEIHIhMpQv8b50fUbCmcvXps8PFZG6mIoHfr2qrTkB3AL0FESn833M4MQNvY_PPKO74CaKdQvY-7v69XVpn432nvfRf_LBWs9nlvsc-QQhJAVsFSV3t82UnW5O_Bk2BKXLP-BYkcVpVYGYyCZQReIOGteFqSeASbkFfXoxAnxbw8Lztzq2bD

    One very nice tool to get started and playing around with the REST API is the Postman - REST Client for Google Chrome:

    I hope this helps you get started, if you do have any further questions let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Luis Lopes

    Product Manager

    Best regards,
    Luis Lopes | Principal Product Manager | RWS | (twitter) @Luis___Lopes |

  • Hi Luis,

    Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately we are not running GroupShare 2014 yet. We are using GroupShare 2011. Having a REST API does seem like it would solve the problem, is this not available for GroupShare 2011 ? We have a lot of Organizations and Libraries to create, is there any possible way of doing it automatically somehow?


  • Hi Chris,

    The REST APIs were only introduced with GroupShare 2014, so not possible in 2011 I'm afraid.

    GroupShare 2014 has many more enhancements other than the API compared to 2011, including a lot of Performance and Scaling improvements and secure assignment functionality.

    Best Regards,


    Best regards,
    Luis Lopes | Principal Product Manager | RWS | (twitter) @Luis___Lopes |

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