
I'm trying to import TMs into GroupShare. I'm able to do it all except create Organizations and Libraries in GroupShare which is needed for the import. Is this something that can be done via some API I missed. I've checked all the API manuals (2011).

Any ideas on how creation of Organizations and Libraries in GroupShare could be automated ?


Parents Reply
  • Hi Luis,

    I have another question: Our user that handles the user management should be able to maintain the users, but not have complete Administrator rights.

    Therefore we created a new role. With this role, we can now create users, but we can not assign any roles to the new user (on the roles tab, the checkboxes for the roles are visible but disabled).The role we created has the following permissions so far:

    View Library

    View Organization

    View User

    Add User

    Edit User

    Delete User

    View Background Tasks

    Manage Roles

    View DB Server

    View Container

    View Language Resource

    View Fields

    View TM

    Can you tell us what we're missing here?

    Thanks for you help and best regards

