SDLMTCloud Pre-translation

We have a working application that automates the creation of projects via Trados Studio Automation using FileBasedProject and its related API objects.  This processing include pre-translation and publishing to the GroupShare server.  The current implementation runs on Studio 2019 and uses the BeGLobal engine.  We are upgrading to Studio 2021 and using the SDLMTCloud engine.

We get fully pre-translated projects with BeGLobal and 2019, however now when we run on 2021 using SDL MT Cloud, we successfully generate the project, but no pre-translation occurs.  When opening the project manually and pushing the SDL MT translation everything works well.

In digging through source code in Sdl-Community/SDLMTCloud.Provider at master · RWS/Sdl-Community · GitHub, I see a function IsStudioRunning() being used as a gatekeeper in some of the code.  I don't believe that Studio would be considered to be running in our use case, so trying to find out if this is why we don't get pre-translation.  Does anyone know if that is the logic applied to the processing fro SDLMT CLoud?

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    Trying to make the sample code work with our processing model.  We use language/project specific templates as part of our workflow.  Our process is to pre-translate as much as possible from our TMs and then use NMT to translate remaining un-processed content.  I have added the following ot the sample code:

    ProjectTemplateReference template = new ProjectTemplateReference(@"C:path\to\template");
    var project = new FileBasedProject(projectInfo, template);

    When I try to run the sample code with this in place, I get the following error for the Analyze task and similar for the Pre-Translate tasks:

    "Unexpected exception when initializing task 'Analyze Files': Failed to create an instance of translation provider ' - German'.."

    Here is the language direction section of the template:

    <LanguageDirection Guid="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" SettingsBundleGuid="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" TargetLanguageCode="de-DE" SourceLanguageCode="en-US">
    <AutoSuggestDictionaries />
    <CascadeItem OverrideParent="true" StopSearchingWhenResultsFound="false">
    <CascadeEntryItem PerformConcordanceSearch="true" Penalty="0" PerformUpdate="true" PerformNormalSearch="true">
    <MainTranslationProviderItem Uri="sdltm."> Enabled="true" />
    <CascadeEntryItem PerformConcordanceSearch="true" Penalty="0" PerformUpdate="false" PerformNormalSearch="true">
    <MainTranslationProviderItem Uri="sdltm."> Enabled="true" />
    <CascadeEntryItem PerformConcordanceSearch="false" Penalty="0" PerformUpdate="false" PerformNormalSearch="true">
    <MainTranslationProviderItem Uri="sdlmtcloud:///" State="{"AutoSendFeedback":true,"LanguagesSupported":[{"Name":"English (United States) - German (Germany)","SourceTradosCode":"en-US","TargetTradosCode":"de-DE","SelectedSource":{"CodeName":"eng","IsLocale":false},"SelectedTarget":{"CodeName":"ger","IsLocale":false},"SelectedModel":{"DisplayName":"eng-ger Bloomberg","Model":"bloomberg","MTCloudLanguagePair":{"sourceLanguageId":"eng","targetLanguageId":"ger","model":"bloomberg","displayName":"Bloomberg","name":"engger_bloomberg","active":"yes"},"Source":"en-US","Target":"de-DE"},"SelectedDictionary":{"name":"No dictionary available","description":null,"source":null,"target":null,"dictionaryId":""},"SourceLanguages":[{"CodeName":"eng","IsLocale":false}],"TargetLanguages":[{"CodeName":"ger","IsLocale":false}]}],"ResendDraft":true,"SendFeedback":true}" Enabled="true" />

    The machine url for the sdltm entry is valid and reachable form the machine running the program.

  • Hi  ,  I'm not sure if there is a rendering issue with presenting the content in your example above, but those uri strings seems to be broken (e.g. <MainTranslationProviderItem Uri="sdltm."> Enabled="true" />)

    Can you provide me with the template you are using?  to

  • Hi  , to avoid scope creep with issues on the community.  I'd recommend to create a new issue, indicating in the subject that you are not able to connect to a GroupShare TM resource via Project Automation and we can now close this issue "SDLMTCloud...", as you have confirmed the solution working.  wdyt?
